Returning to The Gospel Ministry



Worried about false teachers in the church? Jesus’s brother was too. What would Jude say to you today? Do you have questions about deliverance ministries, prosperity teaching, and anointed men of God? 

This book provides answers. It will equip you to defend our timeless faith. In the midst of counterfeits, rediscover the refreshing truth of God’s Word and the glorious, life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ



“The call of Jude to ‘contend for the faith’ is as legitimate for us today as it was back then; it cannot be ignored. The growth and expansion of the church in Africa today speaks to a biblical truth in which the God of all grace chooses that which is foolish, weak, low, and despised in the world, to shame the wise, strong, and high. Amoafo delivers a bold call for consistent expression of faith that bridges the gap between growth and impact. This is a timely work of great relevance, and we must be grateful for this
prophetic study.”

—Rev Prof J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Baeta-Grau Professor of African Christianity and Pentecostal Theology, President of Trinity Theological Seminary, Ghana



“Let African Christians be Christian Africans."

As a Ghanaian who lives in Kenya and who has travelled throughout the continent for ministry, Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo is troubled by what he sees and hears in many African churches these days.

In his new book, Stand Up for the Gospel Amoafo addresses troubling church practices with a focused study of the book of Jude.


“For several years I studied the history, the background, and the message of Jude for my doctorate. As I did so I came to realize that Jude held the key to solving the serious problem of departures from the gospel that we find in the church in Africa today.”


Jude’s brief epistle is an urgent plea to a church that was in danger of being led
astray by false teachers. Jude’s call is therefore as relevant today as it was the first
century. By connecting the biblical context with today, Amoafo wrote Stand Up for
the Gospel to equip church leaders in Africa to reject every attempt to turn them
away from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In this book, Amoafo reminds readers that, throughout the centuries, the church
has almost always been troubled by teaching that negates, distorts, or departs from
the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ himself warned his followers to beware of false
prophets and false messiahs (Matthew 7:15-23; 24:4, 23-26).



Throughout the book, Amoafo offers his own experiences of living out the content and implications of the gospel in his walk
with God. His desire is that his book will show that the gospel message is not mere impractical theology. Rather, it is the amazing news of how God truly reconciles us to himself and enables us to practically experience the life of Christ in our daily lives today.


Rev Dr Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo is passionate about the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ, Christian discipleship, and Christian spiritual formation. Originally from Ghana, he lives in Kenya and has served in the Anglican Church of Kenya for over 20 years.

He has trained pastors across mainline and charismatic churches. He has been involved in leadership roles with para church ministries that include Life Challenge Africa, the Navigators, and the Renew Conference in Kenya for missionaries in East Africa. He has ministered in churches that include Deliverance Church, the Kenya Assemblies of God, and Christ Is The Answer Ministries. In addition to his ministry responsibilities in the Anglican Church of Kenya, Rev. Dr. Amoafo is also currently a leader in an interdenominational church plant to an unreached group in Nairobi.

He holds degrees in Bible and Theology, and Biblical Studies from Global University, and a PhD in Theological Studies from Pan Africa Theological Seminary.

He has been a lecturer at Carlile School of Theology, where he was also the Director of Student Affairs. He is currently with the Theology departments of Global University and St. Paul’s University. He is married to Dr. Esther Nkrumah, and they have five young adult children.